Call Us: (541) 749-7000
NOTE: Get Dr. Higgins’ new book, “Facts, Not Fear: A Doctor’s Guide to Breast Cancer FAQs,” and get it free by being a “pre-reader.” All we ask is that you let us know if there are other breast cancer questions you want answered.
Click here for more info.
Since you’re visiting this site, it’s likely that you, or someone you love, have concerns about breast health. As a surgeon specializing in breast care, I know that the best way to create a breast health treatment plan that will work for you is to create it with you.
My first priority is to listen … that I may best understand your concerns and answer your questions. Then we’ll develop a breast care plan that leverages the most innovative, effective techniques available in order to achieve the best outcome possible.
I invite you to explore my site and contact me for more information. It would be my privilege to partner with you in your pursuit of wellness.
State of the Art Breast Cancer Care in Central Oregon –